3¢ - Deep violet, violet
Printing Method: FLAT PLATE
Subject: George Washington
Number issued: 210,000,000
Perforations: P12
Watermark: Single Line USPS (see below)
Scott #: 376
Issued: January 16, 1911
No postmark with gum (MH)
$18 - $30
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
$35 - $60
A full pane of #376, the only one I could find that had been sold at an auction.
Sold July 2015 for $1,180 (MH)
Explore Robert Siegel's Auction Galleries
#376 was issued with the following plate #'s
Imprint, star and plate number
5121-26, 31, 36
5421-24. 28, 33
Plate number only
6044-48, 50, 52
The purpose of this change was to strengthen the paper and to give it a more uniform thickness. The old double line watermark covered too much space and made the lettered area quite a bit thinner than the rest of the paper, which caused variation in the shrinkage of the paper. The new watermark was also smaller, occurring 400 letters to a full sheet instead of 360.
The earliest known date of use for #376 is June 9th, 1911