8¢ pale olive green, olive green
Printing Method: FLAT PLATE
Subject: Benjamin Franklin
Number issued: 82,000,000
Perforations: 12
Watermark: Single line USPS wmk
Scott #: 414
Issued: September 26, 1914
$1 - $2.25
No postmark with gum (MH)
$15 - $26
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
$30 - $60
The eight cent denomination was issued primarily to care for the payment of registration fees prior to this issue but at the time of the release the registry charge had decreased so this stamp is a lot scarcer than the previous issue.
The earliest known use, May 23rd, 1912
The watermark consists of single lined USPS letters. A stamp may show only part of a letter or letters
#414 was issued with the following plate #'s
Imprint, "A" and number
5718-19, 21-22