1916 2¢ #463
George Washington
2¢ Carmine, rose red, or dark carmine - Type I
There is a shading line in the first
curve of the ribbon above the left "2"
and in the second curve
of the ribbon above the right "2"
Shading of toga button is light.
2,900,000,000 - Flat Plate - Perf. 10 - Unwatermarked -
Scott #463 - 1916
Used: Less than $1
No postmark with gum (MH): $1-$2
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $4-$14
George Washington
2c Carmine, rose red, or dark carmine - Type I
Booklet Pane
Flat Plate - Perf. 10 - Unwatermarked -
Scott #463a - 1916
Used: Less than No sales record
No postmark with gum (MH): $22-$35
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $50-$90