3¢ Light red violet, red violet, purple, bright purple, deep purple
Printing Method: Flat Plate
Subject: William Penn
Perforations: 11
Number issued: 49,949,000
Scott #: 724
Issued: October 24th, 1932
No postmark with gum (MH)
20¢ - 50¢
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
25¢ - $1
A first day cover, dated October 24th, 1932
#724 was issued with the following plate #'s
Number only
A pane of 100, there were four panes to a sheet of 400
The top image is a portrait of William Penn at age 22 in 1666, possibly painted by Sir Peter Lely, whilst Penn was living in London. The bottom image is a later painting and engraving based on the original painting. The stamp vignette has a greater likeness to the engraving.
The portrait of William Penn as a younger man, was chosen over his portrait painted whilst in Pennsylvania. Above I have shown what the stamp would have appeared if the latter was chosen. The younger Penn was painted wearing armour typical of the Stuart period. The wearing of armour was against the principles of the Quaker religion and the bureau was petitioned to show just the head and shoulders.