3¢ Light lilac, lilac, bright lilac, reddish violet, red violet, light violet, violet, deep violet
Printing Method: Flat Plate
Subject: Daniel Webster
Perforations: 11
Number issued: 49,538,500
Scott #: 725
Issued: October 24th, 1932
No postmark with gum (MH)
20¢ - 50¢
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
25¢ - $1
A first day cover, dated October 24th, 1932
#725 was issued with the following plate #'s
Number only
21034-41, 46-49
Although lacking the design brilliance of #724 this stamp was as popular with the public and soon sold out. Although the portrayal of Daniel Webster is flattering, many thought he looked too much like Henry Clay (see above) win the vignette,
The stamp was issued on the 150th anniversary of Webster's death
A pane of 100, there were four panes to a sheet of 400