4¢ Light brown, light reddish brown, brown, deep reddish brown, dark reddish brown
Printing Method: Flat plate
Subject: Mesa Verde National Park
Perforations: 11
Number issued: 19,178,650
Scott #: 743
Issued: September 25th, 1934
No postmark with gum (MH)
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
75¢ - $1
A first day cover, dated September 25th, 1934
#743 was issued with the following plate #'s
Number only
The source photograph for the vignette
The Harry Peckman engraving of the source photograph
Horizontal imperforate on vertical pair
Value MNH: $4,000 - $5,000
A pane of 50, there were four panes to a sheet of 200