15¢ - Pale ultramarine, ultramarine
Printing Method: FLAT PLATE
Subject: George Washington
Number issued: 35,000,000
Perforations: P12
Watermark: Double Line USPS
Scott #: 340
Issued: January 19, 1909
$2 - $3 ($7.50 if a circular cancel)
No postmark with gum (MH)
$20 - $50
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
$95 - $125
#340 was issued with the following plate #'s
Imprint and number
4949-52, 54
An illustration of the double line USPS watermark found on this stamp
Sometimes you will see very expensive copies of #340 advertised as experimental paper or CHINA CLAY PAPER. There is no such thing, what exists are stamps which have "dirty water" paper because silica in the water became embedded in paper produced during drought conditions when the mill pond was low.
There are some old PF certificates still around that state that a stamp is a "China Clay' stamp. The PF no longer recognises China Clay stamps and has ceased certifying them.
Do not be tempted to buy something that does not exist.
Prior to November 1, 1909 this stamps principle use was for parcels and weighty foreign mai. Then the charge for registration was increased from 8¢ to 10¢. The stamp would be combined with the standard foreign mail rate of 5¢, hence the 15ç stamp became widely used. Above is an example with the oval registry stamp.
A full pane of 100 of #340. There are four panes to a sheet of 400