Printing Method: Flat Plate
Printer: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Subject: Zeppelin and Globe
Number issued: 61,296
Perforations: 11
Watermark: Unwatermarked
Scott #: C15
Issued: April 19, 1930
$185 - $285
No postmark with gum (MH)
$230 - $315
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
$350 - $500
#C15 was issued with the following plate #'s
A first day cover postmarked April 19, 1930
French poster for the Hamburg-America Line.
The Zeppelin issue was issued solely for use on the Graf Zeppelin. The high cost of the postage was to pay for the increased expense of carrying mail via the Zeppelin. The $2.30 stamp was for letters making the journey both ways.
This stamp was issued during the great depression and as a result they were not popular due to their high cost when money was tight.
A Panelli forgery large die proof, printed in various colors
A complete pane of 50, there were four panes to a sheet of 200