10¢ Orange yellow
Printing Method: Flat Plate
Subject: Benjamin Franklinn
Number issued: 58,937,000
Perforations: 10
Watermark: Unwatermarked
Scott #: 472
Issued: November 17th, 1916
30¢ - 50¢
No postmark with gum (MH)
$25 - $50
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
$50 - $135
The 10¢ stamp was issued primarily for letters sent by registered mail to points within the United States, the denomination covering both the letter rate and registration fee. It was also used on foreign bound letters weighing more than one ounce.
The earliest known date of use, October 24th 1916
A scarce plate block
Top plate block sold at Siegel's June 2005 for $9,940 (MNH)
Explore Robert Siegel's Auction Galleries
The stamps on unwatermarked paper were current for a little over five months. They have never been plentiful and are relatively scarce. This unwatermarked paper was used with the old perf. 10 machines while the Bureau was waiting for the perforating wheels to wear out prior to changing all machines to 11 gauge. The use of this new paper before this change was unexpected by collectors. As a result, this perf. 10 unwatermarked variety was almost entirely overlooked.
Due to the color of the stamp the watermark on the previous issue is difficult to see, extreme care should be used in classifying it. Several tests may be necessary to be sure that no watermark exists.
While these stamps were current, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing made the first experimental precanceled stamps. An example of precancel is shown above. Almost all precancels have a solid line above and below the location name.
#472 was issued with the following plate #'s
Number only
7358-69, 79, 89