Mythological bird Phoenix on the left, symbolizing renewal of life,
and a kneeling figure breaking the bonds of oppression on the right.
The Danish flag is in the center
5¢ Multicoloured
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 12
15 million printed - Scott #921 - 1944
Used: $0.01-$0.02
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.02-$0.03
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.03-$0.05
Double impression of country name
Scott #921a - 1944
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $360-$400
Vignette proof on india, mounted on card
A first day cover of #921 dated November 2nd 1944
Soviet troops march in northern Korea
Korean communist leader Kim Il Sung chats with a farmers 1945
Japanese forces enter Korea
A sheet of 50 stamps
The 'Golden Spike' ceremony at Promontory, Utah
3¢ Violet
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
61 million printed - Scott #922 - 1944
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
Trial color proof on card 922-TC1
Photo essay on card 922-E
Die proof on card (922-P1)
A first day cover of #922 dated May 10th 1944
The 'Golden Spike' ceremony at Promontory, Utah.
Promontary point as it looks today, with a replica
of the engines that particpated in the original event
Utah chose to depict the Golden Spike Authority on their states quarter
A sheet of 50 stamps
The steamship SS Savannah
3¢ Violet
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
61 million printed - Scott #923 - 1944
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
Photo essay on card 923-E
Die proof on card (923-P1)
A first day cover of #923 dated May 22nd 1944
An engraving of the SS Savannah
1819 - The SS Savannah leaves her operating port,
Savannah, GA, to make the first Atlantic crossing of a Steamship
Savannah docks from a 19thC engraving
Plaque commemorating S.S. Savannah in Savannah, Georgia. (my old home town)
Captain Moses Rogers who sailed the SS Savannah on her maiden and historical voyage
A sheet of 50 stamps
Telegraph Pole
3¢ Bright red violet
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
61 million printed - Scott #924 - 1944
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
Large die proof on india die sunk on card 924-P1
A first day cover of #924 dated May 24th 1944
Telegraph poles helped tame the wild west
Telegraphers at their stations
Old telegraph station
A sheet of 50 stamps
3¢ Deep violet
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
50 million printed - Scott #925 - 1944
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
A first day cover of #925 dated September 27th 1944
Planes over Corregidor
Corregidor, Fort Mills, Middleside barracks before the war
Ruins of Middleside barracks, a memory of the US presence during WWII
US soldiers captives after the 1942 battle of Corregidor
A sheet of 50 stamps
An open-air movie show to an audience of armed forces
3¢ Deep violet
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
53 million printed - Scott #926 - 1944
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
Photo essay on card - unadopted design 926-E
Photo essay on card 926-E
Small die proof on card 926-P2
A first day cover of #926 dated October 31st 1944
1946 Oscars - Best Picture - The Lost Weekend
1946 Oscars - Ray Milland, Best Actor winner for The Lost Weekend
1945 Oscars - Joan Crawford, Best Actress winner for 'Mildred Pierce'
A sheet of 50 stamps
The original Florida state seal is flanked by the gates of St. Augustine on the left and the State Capitol on the right.
3¢ Bright red violet
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
62 million printed - Scott #927 - 1945
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
Photo proof on card
Photo essay on card 927-E
A first day cover of #927 dated March 3rd 1945
The current State seal of Florida
The Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee
The old city gates of St. Augustine, then and now
A sheet of 50 stamps
A laurel branch and quote from FDR
5¢ Ultramarine
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
76 million printed - Scott #928 - 1945
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.02-$0.03
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.02-$0.03
Photo essay with an unadopted design on card 929-E
Proof on card 928-P1
A first day cover of #928 dated August 1st 1945
( the designer wrongly attributed the conference referred to in the stamp as being the Yalta confernce
when in fact it was the San Fransisco United Nations conference of 1945)
The San Fransisco United Nations conference of 1945
President Truman speaks at the conference
Outside the conference
A sheet of 50 stamps
Marines raising the United States flag over
Mount Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima
3¢ Yellow green
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 10½ x 11
137 million printed - Scott #929 - 1945
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.02-$0.03
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.02-$0.03
A first day cover of #929 dated July 11th 1945
(the Battle of Iwo Jima had only ended four months before)
The original photograph, taken by American photographer Joe Rosenthal on 23 February 1945
"I took the picture, the Marines took Iwo Jima."
The Six Iwo Jima Flag Raisers
The second flag raising
A sheet of 50 stamps
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Hyde Park, FDR's home in New York
1¢ Blue green
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
128 million printed - Scott #930 - 1945
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01
Proof on india die sunk on card 930-P1
Vignette essay die sunk on card 930-E
A first day cover of #930 dated July 26th 1945
(FDR passed away on April 12, 1945)
Hyde Park as seen in the stamp design
FDR was a well known philatelist
A Label produced by George W. Linn, publisher of Linn's Stamp News
The bulk of FDR's collection was broken up and sold as souvenirs
A sheet of 50 stamps
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Warm Springs
2¢ Carmine Pink
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
67 million printed - Scott #931 - 1945
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
Proof on india die sunk on card 931-P1
Vignette essay die sunk on card 930-E
A first day cover of #931 dated August 24th 1945
The Little White House, Warm Springs, GA
The warm springs that was used by FDR was noted for its healing properties.
My aunt said that she spent time with FDR in the pool and told her it was the
only respite he had, it was to him, pure joy.
FDR enjoying the water at the resort
A sheet of 50 stamps
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the White House
3¢ Purple
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
134 million printed - Scott #932 - 1945
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
Proof on india die sunk on card 932-P1
Vignette essay die sunk on card 930-E
A first day cover of #932 dated June 27th 1945
During FDR’s tenure at the White house, in 1934, the West Wing was constructed
In 1933, by public subscription a pool was built at the White House to help FDR with his polio
The White House kitchen 1933 and 2018
A sheet of 50 stamps
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Four Freedoms
5¢ Bright Blue
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
76 million printed - Scott #933 - 1946
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.02-$0.03
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.02-$0.03
Photo essay on card - 933-E
Proof on india die sunk on card 933-P1
Vignette essay die sunk on card 930-E
A first day cover of #933 dated June 30th 1946
The four freedoms
The FDR memorial located in Washington
Four Freedoms park at the tip of Roosevelt Island, NY, NY
A sheet of 50 stamps
US soldiers march through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris after liberating the city
3¢ Olive
Rotary Press Printing - Perf. 11 x 10½
128 million printed - Scott #934 - 1945
Used: $0.01
No postmark with gum (MH): $0.01-$0.02
Full perfect gum, no postmark, no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH): $0.01-$0.02
Photo essay on card - 933-E
Proof on india die sunk on card 934-P1
Small die proof on white wove paper
A first day cover of #934 dated September 28th 1945
The original photograph. In the final design planes were added to recognize the contribution of the US air force
There was no Air Force issue, although the Coast Guard and Navy both had issues
The identity of the soldiers (this sent to this website by a viewer and participant in the march)
The Ludendorff Bridge, the bridge that the Germans failed to destroy and led to the shortening of the war.
This was the propose subject of the army stamp, but the Post office later changed the design to the Arc de Triomphe
The stamp design as it would have looked with the Ludendorff Bridge
A sheet of 50 stamps
June 6th, 1944: Utah Beach, Normandy Beach, France