San Francisco May 6 (1869) postmark on unpaid folded letter to Cognac, France, this letter would have transited by rail to Monument Point, UT, arriving on May 8th. The railroad should have been a through route on the 8th, but there was a nine and half mile gap in the railroad. Our cover was unloaded at Indian Creek the last Wells Fargo stage on the railroad, to go around the 9 miles gap between the two railroads and then hitched a ride on at Corinne, UT, the first station on the Central Pacific portion of the railroad, to complete the rest of its journey to New York. The letter departed New York on 15 May 1869 departure of French Packet Lafayette, French Line departure date postmark and French transit and arrival
In the period from May 8th and May 10th our cover unexpectedly, had to be carried by Wells Fargo to bridge the gap. Read that story on following chapters.
The story of the Railroad
The story of the Stage