11¢ bluish green, dark green
Printing Method: FLAT PLATE
Subject: Benjamin Franklin
Number issued: 20,000,000
Perforations: 10
Watermark: Single line USPS wmk
Scott #: 434
Issued: August 9, 1915
$2 - $6
No postmark with gum (MH)
$10 - $20
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
$15 - $40
This new denomination was issued primarily for use in prepaying postage on parcels and postage and insurance fee on insured parcels amounting to eleven cents.
The watermark consists of single lined USPS letters. A stamp may show only part of a letter or letters
The earliest known use of #434, September 23rd, 1915
This eleven cent type was current for a little over a year prior to the use of the unwatermarked paper. It was never used in any great quantity by the public and copies were procurable at Post Offices for quite some time after the new unwatermarked type had become generally current. Thus in spite of the comparatively small number issued this stamp is only a little more desirable than the ten cent stamp, of the same issue, of which more than six times as many were printed.
Consequently used copies are much less common than the 10¢ value.
Because the 11¢ was not widely used blocks are quite scarce, there being no obvious purpose for them. As a result used block of four can sell for between $40 and $60.
#434 was issued with the following plate #'s
Number only
7498-99, 7504-06
Woman mail carrier during World War I in Los Angeles, California
The Post Office in 1915 at Anchorage, Alaska